Crafty Chicks

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Coffee Bra's!

Knitschmidt and I should never be allowed to IM each other after midnight! This is the result of said IMs... The invention of Coffee Bras! Up next? Knit has other lingerie ideas and maybe even coffee thongs on the way? Oh My!

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Monday, April 23, 2007

Notebooks Galore!

I've been really busy! Here are some covered notebooks I've made and some have already sold!

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Here is our unofficial Etsy Shop. Knitschmidts and old pro at it and has her own. :) Hopefully she'll post her link later tonight.

We've got lots of stuff up! Mommy the Maid needs to start adding things! *hint hint*


Sunday, April 22, 2007

Gosh We've Been Slacking

Must do something about that! We HAVE been busy and there has been a lot of crafting going on though. Cartman has started a new shop on Etsy, CraftyChicks, and I have been busily trying to revive my Etsy shop, Knitschmidt. Lots of knitting, beading and papercrafting going on! Among my newest additions are:


A nifty new scarf:

And stitch markers for knitters:

I'm sure Cartman would love to share some of her new goodies with the class. We'll get her in here, and hopefully get back to some good old crafty nonsense around here!


Sunday, April 1, 2007

We have an Etsy Shop!

A couple of them!! :)

Check them out! :)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Two more


This one was made to match a cute twirl skirt I am working on. :D

It's official. I am addicted. Here are two more that I made for Little Bear. I need Miss Turtle to get home from school so that I can measure her wrist and make her some!

Like I need another Hobby...

Cartman's mom gave me the final push to start jewelery making. I am really enjoying it! These pictures are not the greatest, but they were all I could get for today.

This is a little bracelet made up of just little fish beads. Little Bear LOVES it!! She is so excited to be wearing "fishies".

Whipper found some really great Hello Kitty beads at Walmart and I had to follow suit and purchase some as well. I paired them up with some shiny blue beads and metal flower beads to make this...

Little Bear still has not taken it off. I love it so much that I am going to make one for Miss Turtle as well.


Monday, March 19, 2007

Jewelry Making!

I saw some jewerly kits at Michaels the other day and ended up getting a ton of stuff. Here are the necklaces and earrings I made. 3 necklaces were from kits and 1 pair of earrings. the ribbon necklace and pearl earrings I was kinda winging as I went along. Sorry the pics are't very good. The lighting in my house sucked today. These are pretty generic, but it's a start and I'm too nervous to "design" anything on my own!

I swear, I change crafty hobbies like I change underwear! In the past month I've scrapbooked, knit, croheted, quilted and now done this. Hubby says I'm like a 80 yr old housewife on crack!

Green Freshwater Pearl necklace & earrings (my fave!!)
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Ribbon Necklace
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Black and Silver necklace and earrings
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Grey freshwater pearl necklace & earrings
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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Mommy the Maid and Jolee's Boutique

I love these stickers. They make such great instant pages. I am trying to turn away from all the fancy paper pieceing and elements that take an hour to complete in order to focus on simple pages that take less time. Jolee's have been great in helping me accomplish this. However, I never seem to be able to wait until they are on sale, so I spend $3-$5 a piece on them. Next time I will wait for the sale, but look how perfect they go on this page that took me less that 10 minutes.

Okay Okay

I get the hint! :)

I think February should be Paper Crafts month! So lets all post our scrapbook pages, cards, and other papercrafts! whether recent or old!

I'll start...

Easter Card
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Valentines Day Card
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V-day Treat Bag
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Gift Card CD Holder
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Scrapbook page
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Notebook and Pen
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Anyone out there? *TAP* *TAP* This thing on? Where the heck are al the crafty chicks? You'd think with three of them there would be SOMETHING going on around here! Hmmm.... I've heard at least two of them have been abducted by UFO's (that would be unfinished objects, not little green men.) Perhaps sooner or later one of them will finish some up and have something interesting to post. Maybe. At least something to post.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Let it snow afghan

This is the afghan I'm starting. With all the damn snow here in Colorado, it's hard to imaine making anything else! It's 173 rows of 152 stitches of all single crochet. It will probably take me a couple winters to complete!
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Tuesday, January 2, 2007

I Love My Friends

What do friends do for you when you're down? Why they bring you flowers of course!

Dear Maid and Cartman,

I love you!



Thursday, December 28, 2006

My Husband wants to be Jayne

Hubby loves Serenity and last year we bought a "Jayne Hat" off of Ebay for my ex BIL. This year, I had Knitschmidt make one for Hubby. He loves it!

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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Crisis Averted!

Thank God for a stash of finished knitted items! Christmas was as usual at the Knitschmidt household. Me dashing around at the last inute to get packages shipped back east and gifts finalized and purchased for the family here. The blizzard thet shut down Denver for two days starting December 20th didn't help the situation. But Christmas Eve found Mr. Knitschmidt and me breathing a sigh of relief as we took stock and assured ourselves that yes, everyone was covered and began wrapping.

Then Little Brother Knitschmidt came home for the night. With his girlfriend.

WHAT? Nobody told me she was going to be here on Christmas morning! You can't just spring extra guests on the hostess without warning like that! And I had no gift for her. What to do, what to do... Aha! A scarf!! The green or the orange? I chose the green, and she loved it. In fact, green just happens to be her favorite color. Who knew? And THAT is why you should always have at least one completed project just lying around just in case.


Friday, December 15, 2006

More furry scarves

The blue one was for my son's teacher and the red is for my BFF. :) I think I'll call the blue one Grover and the red is Elmo.
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Thursday, December 14, 2006


I know this isn't knitting, but I had to share. These are the calendars I made for my aunt. They are perpetual, so it's great for birthdays/anniversaries. You can re-use them every year!

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Almond Joy

Here is my latest project. I love it so much, I'm making in in blue and red for friends. :) I used 1 1/2 skeins of elf eyelash in almond (.99 at HL) and 2/3 of a skein of Lucious in Ice (also .99 at HL).
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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Yarn Stash Gone Wild

It started out innocently enough. Then it grew and multiplied. It's a lot like bunnies. So here's further evidence that I need a support group of some kind.

Oh! And don't forget the wool! (no, I didn't make the sweaters)

And finally, Moose the cat who is completely bewildered by it all and only wishes I'd let him play with some of the extra yarn!
